Ania Pro MC Turntable Cartridge

One of the world's smallest MC generators. Cutting edge neodymium magnet. Vital profile nude diamond stylus. High specification fine wire. Load settings for adjustable MC stages Rega’s Moving Coil cartridge design is unique in its approach to achieving an ultra-low...

Regular price £865.00



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  • One of the world's smallest MC generators.

  • Cutting edge neodymium magnet.

  • Vital profile nude diamond stylus.

  • High specification fine wire.

  • Load settings for adjustable MC stages

Rega’s Moving Coil cartridge design is unique in its approach to achieving an ultra-low mass generator which is undamped (no tie wire) using a unique rhomboid pivot for the cantilever powered by a purpose designed, exclusive to Rega, Neodymium magnet system.

This type of design requires a zero-tolerance engineered cartridge body which is Rega’s area of expertise and with the Apheta 3 and Aphelion products these bodies are machined from one piece of the highest quality aluminium. This is a difficult and expensive process requiring all of Rega’s forty-four years of experience to achieve. In particular, the “zero” tolerancing of the body is required in the alignment and dimension of the pivot pad mounting hole and the magnet mechanism mounting hole relationship.

The Ania Pro body uses a unique polymer/ 40% glass combination called Polyphenylene Sulphide (PPS-Fortron). The special attributes of this material are its hardness and stability in shape and dimension post moulding, both critical for the performance of Ania. Now came the challenge. Rega designed and prototyped using SLA systems in just a few months, proving the validity of the design direction.

The Ania Pro delivers tight bass warm midranges and accurate top end frequencies to offer a well balanced and detailed performance.

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Tracking Pressure 1.75 - 2.00g
Input load impedance 100 ohms
Output impedance 10 ohms
Nominal output voltage 350µV
Channel Balance : = 20µV
Separation : = -29dB
Mass 6g

Impedance -100ohm
Capacitance - 1000pF